As a reward, players are able to participate in the attack on the Death Star during the final missions.Ī year after release, a sequel was released that allows you to play for the evil Galactic Empire: TIE Fighter. Besides capital ships needing to be hit in vulnerable areas for the best effect, the Empire's ships are often scripted to use flanking maneuvers and feints or to prioritize one of your own capital ships rather than you, to the point that some missions revolve more around solving puzzles than Old School Dogfights. The game's missions are much more complex than simply destroying all enemy ships. X-Wing has the distinct honor of being the first Star Wars game with an original plot, with only the final missions of the base game being an almost direct adaptation, recreating the climactic assault on the Death Star from the original film. A later expansion pack adds the B-Wing heavy assault starfighter, which is a vast improvement over the Y-Wing, as well as extra missions rounding the campaign to 50 total and bringing the game up to just before the Battle of Hoth.
Initially the game lets you fly either an X-Wing space superiority fighter, Y-Wing assault fighter or A-Wing high-speed interceptor.